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Safety and Personal Protective Equipment
Always disinfect the working area thoroughly with GuanoFix Plus (GC208) avian disinfectant if it has been contaminated with bird faeces.
Wear Nitrile Gloves (GC080) when applying silicone spike adhesive, it is difficult to get off your hands.
Wear Heavy Duty Riggers Gloves (GC082) made from leather or suede when pressing down the spikes into position to avoid injury.
Wear Eye Protection Goggles (GC085) if working with spikes at eye level to avoid accidents.
Wear a P3‐Rated Face Mask when disturbing bird faeces wash hands thoroughly afterwards.
Do not install spikes on surfaces less than 2 metres off the ground, birds are highly unlikely to perch this low to the ground and serious injury could occur if someone tripped and fell on to the spikes.
Warn your window cleaning company if you are installing spikes on window ledges to avoid injury to them and/or damage occurring to the spikes.
Our Spike Installers’ Kits (BS314) come with everything you will need to undertake a safe and effective installation. Buy one today and make your spike installation run smoothly and safely.
Spikes are designed to deter light‐weight birds of no more than one kilo in weight. Do not use them to prevent human‐intruders, cats or other animals, as serious injury may occur.
Surface Preparation
Surface preparation is the key to a successful installation. Do not lay spikes onto contaminated or unprepared surfaces.
Use Surface Cleaner (BS332) to prepare greasy surfaces prior to priming.
Use Surface Activator (BS365) to prepare polished surfaces such as metal or plastic prior to priming.
Always prime the surface to be adhered to with Silicone Spike Adhesive (BS328) and our Disposable Priming Brush (BS335), regardless of the composition of the surface. This ensures a long‐life bond.
Use masking tape if necessary to avoid priming an area outside of where the spike base will cover. This will ensure a neat and professional finish.
Do not lay spikes on unsound surfaces i.e. flaking paint, rusty metal or rotten timber, they will only fall off. Take time to repair these surfaces prior to installation.
Do not fit spikes if heavy rainfall is predicted within 24 hours of installation. The silicone spike adhesive will take 24 hours to cure.
On long straight runs of spikes, particularly those being overlooked from windows above, make sure that you set‐out a centre line for each row of spikes before gluing them down to ensure that the spikes are laid straight to give a neat and professional finish.
The tips of the spikes should overhang the leading edge of any ledges, parapets or sills by about 10mm. This is in order to stop the birds gaining an initial foothold as they approach the surface.
If parallel rows of spikes are to be laid then a 65mm gap can be allowed between the outer tips of adjacent rows for pigeon spikes and a 100mm gap for seagull spikes.
Cutting To Size
Where less than an entire strip (33cm) is required, grooves set perpendicular to the base of the strip are provided for easy reduction in size. Simply snap-off as much as you require.
Run a bead of glue approximately 8mm wide along the underside of the base of the spike strip.
Press the strip down firmly on the surface to which it is to be applied (that you have previously primed) so that rivets of glue come up through the holes in the base. Do not disturb the spike for at least 24 hours after gluing.
Spikes can be easily fitted to the outer edge of a rainwater gutter using our specially designed Gutter Clips (BS358 & BS360)
Use two clips per 33cm spike strip, one at each end of the strip. Then simply slide the spike clips over the outer edge of the guttering. The spikes can be easily removed to facilitate gutter cleaning and then be re-used without the need for more clips.
Pipe Work
Spikes can easily be applied to pipe work to prevent birds from perching on horizontal runs. Clean off any guano first using our Guano Removal Kit (GC088) then, using our extra long Cable Ties (BS356 or BS357), secure two cable ties around the opposing ends of each 33cm spike section and pull tight.
You could also use a small amount of our Silicone Spike Adhesive (BS328) under the spike before securing the cable ties to give added grip once cured.
Do not glue anti-perch spikes directly onto window ledges in front of opening casement windows. Doing so will restrict the opening of the window and cause damage to the window frame and the spikes, reducing the effectiveness at preventing birds from perching.
Spikes can be easily fitted to casement windows where there is a need to protect the window ledge from perching birds but maintain the use of the window for ventilation. This is achieved using our specialist polycarbonate Window Clips (BS359) which snap-on to the polycarbonate base of the spike strips. Use two window clips per 33cm section of spike. Attach one clip to either end of the spike strip.
On timber windows the window clips should be screwed into the casement window, at the bottom, as close to the surface of the window ledge as possible. First; mark and then drill a 3mm diameter pilot hole in the window frame (using a timber drill bit not supplied) in line with the built-in slots on each side of the window clip. Then; screw the clips into place using a no.8 size galvanised timber screw (not supplied) on each side of the window clip, using the built-in slots.
On UPVC or steel-framed windows the window posts should first be glued to the casement window frame as close to the surface of the window ledge as possible using our Silicone Spike Adhesive (BS328)
Make sure you offer up the spike section with its window clips attached first and carefully mark where each window post needs to go. Then unclip the window clips and clean the flat bonding surface of the clip with our Surface Activator (BS365) to give best adhesion.
In order to keep the spikes in good condition inspect each strip annually for signs of damage or delamination.
Bent, flattened or missing spikes will allow pest birds to return. Replace spikes as necessary.
Old adhesive should be removed prior to re‐laying replacement spikes and the surface properly prepared as in section 2 of this document.
NEVER re‐use damaged spikes or spikes that have fallen away with glue attached to their base. They will be contaminated and will not provide an adequate bonding surface with the adhesive.
If repeated problems are encountered with a particular area of spikes not bonding due to contaminated or hard to clean substrates then consider fixing the spike mechanically with either screws or rivets.